Talent-management as an innovative strategy of corporate training and development of personnel of an educational organization


  • M. Bratko doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Professor of the Department of Education and psychological and pedagogical sciences, Faculty of Pedagogical Education Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7162-2841




t. The article presents the results of a study of the possibilities of introducing an innovative strategy
of corporate training and staff development — talent management - into the educational sphere. A brief
theoretical review of scientific sources on the problem under study has led to the conclusion that talent
management is a human resources strategy that focuses on attracting, developing and retaining the best
employees. It is of particular importance for educational organizations, as the qualifications and experience
of teachers are an important factor in the quality of education received by students. Based on the content analysis
of scientific papers, the author concludes that the implementation of the concept of talent management in an
educational organization involves identifying the key competencies of the organization, creating favorable
working conditions, investing in staff development, and developing a staff motivation system. According to the
author, the implementation of talent management will help to find effective responses to the challenges facing
education: overcoming the skills shortage, improving educational outcomes, taking into account technological
progress, promoting diversity and inclusion, navigating regulatory changes, fostering leadership and succession
planning, and creating sustainable and flexible human capital. An attempt is also made to confirm the author’s
theoretical considerations with the results of a survey of pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical staff of Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University and the responses of a focus group of educational managers of different
levels who have completed advanced training at the Department of Professional and Higher Education of the
Central Institute of Postgraduate Education of the University of Educational Management. The study has
actualized the need to explore innovative ways of developing talents in the field of education, taking into account
the essential features of the educational sphere, social expectations from the results of its activities, requirements for professionalism and competence of a modern  teacher


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Abstract views: 4



How to Cite

Bratko, M. (2024). Talent-management as an innovative strategy of corporate training and development of personnel of an educational organization. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (41(1), 6–12. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-2409.2024.411



Theoretical foundations of development of modern pedagogy