The content and structure of training future educators for the formation of communicative competence in children of preschool age


  • N. Golota Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, associate professor of the department of preschool education Faculty of Pedagogical Education Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A/ Karnaukhova Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the department of preschool education Faculty of Pedagogical Education Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine



The article substantiates the essence, peculiarities of the structure and content of the training of future educators for the formation of communicative competence in preschool children. The solution to this problem is facilitated by the educational component «Technologies for the development of children’s speech and familiarization with literature», which includes the following content modules: «Innovative technologies in preschool education», «Technological approach to the development of speech of children of early and preschool age», «Game and interactive technologies in speech and literary activities», «Technological approach in familiarizing preschool children with fiction» and «Technology of reflective approach to interaction with fiction text». The educational component is aimed at forming students’ general and professional competencies. The article presents the results of a mini-survey of students based on the results of studying each module; a diagnostic section of the formation of students' communicative competence was conducted, which necessitated the development of criteria, levels and their indicators. Interactive technologies for working with students are highlighted; creation of the necessary conditions for the formation of communicative competence; effective use of modern forms of educational interaction with all participants in the educational process


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How to Cite

Golota , N., & Karnaukhova, A. (2024). The content and structure of training future educators for the formation of communicative competence in children of preschool age. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (41(1), 65–70.



Applied aspects of vocational and pedagogical education