Challenges and risks of implementing innovative practices in higher education of Ukraine.


  • M. Kozyr Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, м. Kyiv, Ukraine
  • А. Sad 5th year student of the program "Educational Design and Coaching in Adult Education" of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, м. Kyiv, Ukraine



. The article deals with the introduction of innovative practices in Ukraine, their feasibility in higher education, challenges and risks that cause both progress and decline in higher education. The authors emphasize the need to introduce innovative resources in the field of adult education, because it is in the current crisis conditions that innovative digital resources are created. It is determined that the purpose of this article is to reveal the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative practices as an important object of development of higher education in Ukraine. The task is to study innovative practices: the challenges of today, the feasibility of application and avoidance of risks that could lead to the decline of higher education; review of the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence resources: Gamma, ChatGPT. The authors characterize the peculiarities of the concepts of "innovation" and "innovative practices" aimed at ensuring quality education for higher education students in today's crisis conditions, in particular, full-scale invasion and lack of electricity. The author analyzes the feasibility of introducing innovative practices of the twenty-first century, which include applications of artificial intelligence, for example, Gamma, ChatGPT. The author emphasizes that higher education in Ukraine is significantly influenced by the European space, since education is based on the European-type structure, and, accordingly, the learning process is on the way to mastering them. It is found that the adult education system in European countries is imperfect, the biggest problem is ensuring quality teacher training, which should be given sufficient attention, since the basis of qualitative education is highly qualified specialists. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that the preservation of the intellectual potential of the nation in the difficult conditions of the twenty-first century, characterized by the challenges of society, depends on the introduction of innovative practices in higher education in Ukraine.


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Abstract views: 35



How to Cite

Kozyr, M., & Sad А. (2023). Challenges and risks of implementing innovative practices in higher education of Ukraine. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (40 (2), 65–69.



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