The ecosystem approach as a methodological reference point for the innovative development of higher pedagogical education
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the ecosystem approach as a methodological basis
for innovative transformations in higher pedagogical education. The essence of the ecosystem approach
in education is to direct the researcher to a systematic vision of the relationships and processes necessary
to maintain ecological (healthy, sustainable, productive, diverse, coordinated) human relationships within
and outside the educational system, its integrity, elements and structures, functions, values and qualitative
parameters of life through self-regulated management, protection and preservation of educational ecosystems
over time. The author of the article analyzes the scientific thesaurus of the problem, the essence and origins
of the ecosystem approach, its conceptual basis and basic axioms, the main aspects, basic principles and ways
of implementing the ecosystem approach in higher education. Particular attention is paid to educational
ecosystems as a key driver of innovative development of higher pedagogical education. In particular, the
article examines the nature, features, characteristics and basic approaches to the development of educational
ecosystems (ecosystem as belonging and ecosystem as structure), considers the peculiarities of their formation
and development depending on the structure. A scientific thesaurus of the problem of developing an ecosystem
of higher pedagogical education is presented. It is represented by such concepts as: «ecosystem approach»,
«ecosystem structure», «ecosystem actors», «ecosystem constellation», «ecosystem life cycle». The stages
of development of educational ecosystems are summarized and the advantages of implementing the ideas of the
ecosystem approach in a modern university (improving the efficiency of the educational process, increasing the
accessibility of education, improving the quality of education) are considered. The materials of the article can be
used to develop effective tools for the support and innovative development of educational ecosystems in higher
education institutions
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