Socio-psychological factors and conditions for the formation of responsible parenthood


  • Y. Savchenko candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Education and psychological and pedagogical sciences Faculty of Pedagogical Education Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine
  • M. Kozyr Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Education and psychological and pedagogical sciences Faculty of Pedagogical Education Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine



The proposed article highlights the conditions for the formation of parenthood as a psychological phenomenon, which acts as an integral psychological development of the personality. Parenthood includes the value orientations of parents, parental attitudes and expectations, parental positions, parental attitudes, parental feelings, parental responsibility, and the style of family upbringing in its developed form.

It was determined that the purpose of this article is to deepen the conceptual foundations of the study of responsible parenthood and to present it as an integral derivation that must be considered from the standpoint of a systemic approach. The task consists in researching social and psychological factors that determine the formation of the parenting system and clarifying the conditions for the formation of responsible parenting.

It was analyzed in the article that the phenomenon of parenthood is systemically determined. It represents a relatively independent system, simultaneously acting as a subsystem in relation to the family. The authors characterized the features of the phenomenon of parenthood, which simultaneously appears in several angles from different sides and reveal the complex structure of its organization.

Attention is focused on the fact that young people's perception of parenthood most often depends on their image in the parental family and sociocultural stereotypes.

In conclusion, the fact that the combined influence of the factors that characterize the considered levels leads to the formation of a certain model of parenting is highlighted as an argument of significance


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How to Cite

Savchenko, Y., & Kozyr, M. (2024). Socio-psychological factors and conditions for the formation of responsible parenthood. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (41(1), 77–83.




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