


In recent years, the education sector has been a key player in nation- and state-building, a leading social institu- tion responsible for innovative human development, the formation of competitive human capital, so the leading task of the Ukrainian state was and remains a functioning and self-sufficient national education system. would progressive traditions of the past, correspond to new social relations and accumulate innovative potential for fur- ther development. However, despite a number of positive developments in national education in recent years, the historically accumulated inconsistency of domestic education and science with best European and world practice is still acute.

The article attempts to theoretically investigate the evolution of scientific views on the development and reform of education in Ukraine through the prism of publications of authors-researchers on the pages of the scientific professional publication «Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy» and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the state and development of national education for the 30-year period of indepen- dence of Ukraine, presented in analytical publications of the NAPS of Ukraine: White Book of National Education (2010), National Report on the state and prospects of education in Ukraine (2011, 2016, 2021). Attention is paid to the continuum of current problems in the educational sphere, assessment of the current state and short- term prospects of Ukrainian education and scientific substantiation of ways to modernize national education in the cross section of two planes — the position of leading NAPS scientists and practitioners.

Building the concept of research of evolution of views, ideas, positions, beliefs of educational community on actual questions of development of education through a prism of scientific publications of authors of the researched edition, we outlined for ourselves two strategic vectors of the analysis: features of formation of the national self- sufficient integral system of education of the sovereign country for the periods 2001-2010, 2011-2015 and 2016- 2021 and the analytical characteristic of a focus of scientific attention of educators-contributors of magazine

«Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy» in the studied periods.



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Abstract views: 511



How to Cite

Leontieva І. (2022). EDUCATION REFORM IN UKRAINE: THE EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC IDEAS (2001-2021). Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (36 (2), 12–17.–2409.2021.361



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