
  • V. Zhelanova Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Educational Studies and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv
  • M. Kozyr Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, 02094 Kyiv



Thearticledealswiththeeffectivenessoftheuseof ICTandmediaresourcesbyphilologystudentsintheeducational process of higher education. The authors set the goal of investigating the features of the effective use of ICT and, in particular, media resources by philology students in the educational process of higher education. The tasks

consist in the analysis of modern studies of the outlined problems, in the search for effective media resources and models of the implementation of information technologies in order to improve the quality of the educational process. It is assumed that thanks to the use of computer networks, online learning tools, personal offices, Telegram-channels and chat-bots, teachers have been given the opportunity to provide new information in such a way as to satisfy the individual requests of each student, because today in a short period of time it is necessary to teach each child to assimilate, understand, transform, analyze and use large volumes of information in practical activities.

The main directions in which the active search and selection of effective models of information technology implementation are carried out in order to improve the educational process are characterized: development of the educational environment; use of innovative teaching aids; introduction of the latest learning technologies in the educational process; modernization of organizational forms of educational activity. Attention is focused on the fact that currently it is necessary to focus on one’s own professional development, the peculiarities of the educational e-environment and improving the quality of providing educational services with the help of ICT and media resources, increasing the interest and activity of education seekers, etc. It is noted that the survey of the participants of the educational process remains one of the most successful and widespread methods of evaluating the optimization of language and literature learning with the help of media resources


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How to Cite

Zhelanova, V., & Kozyr , M. (2022). USE OF ICT AND MEDIA RESOURCES BY STUDENTS OF PHILOLOGY IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF HIGH SCHOOL: MODELS AND STRATEGIES. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (38 (2), 44–50.



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