Digital technologies as a tool of consulting activities in adult education


  • M. Kozyr Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Education and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
  • A. Ivaschenko 5th year student OP "Educational design and coaching in adult education" Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine



This article is about the use of digital technologies as a tool of advisory activity in adult education.
The authors emphasize the need for digitization of higher education in Ukraine, because in the conditions of a fullscale
invasion, educators should not lose the quality of providing educational services to students of three levels
of education. It was determined that the purpose of this article is to reveal the potential of digital technologies
as tools of advisory activities, to review their advantages and disadvantages during the educational process.
The tasks are to study the educational potential of digital technologies as tools of advisory activities in adult
education, to create a concise overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the following digital resources:
Google Meet, Zoom, Gmail, messengers and Moodle. The authors characterized the features of the concept
of “consultative activity of a teacher” aimed at satisfying individual professional requests of students, solving
practical pedagogical tasks, motivating students to innovate during their studies, supporting the moral and
mental state of students, as well as helping in determining an individual educational trajectory. Attention

is focused on the fact that during the war in Ukraine, tools and digital technologies played an important role
in the educational process, which allow organizing text communication between students, teachers and
university administration in such a way that every participant in the educational process has the opportunity
to access communicationThe authors include the following digital technologies of text communication: e-mails,
Google-chat, Telegram, other messengers, etc. In the conclusions, as an argument of significance, it is stated
that the use of digital technologies during teaching and advising students requires a modern teacher to be
aware of the possibilities of the chosen digital resource, its advantages and disadvantages, because according
to the authors of the article, there is currently no ideal technology for application. When choosing one or another
digital resource, the teacher should first of all focus on the features of the course, the specifics of the group with
which he will interact, as well as his own preferences.


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How to Cite

Kozyr , M., & Ivaschenko , A. (2023). Digital technologies as a tool of consulting activities in adult education. Pedagogical Education: Theory and Practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, (39 (1), 73–79.–2409.2023.3911



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